This swimming pool is extremly enviromental friendly. The realization of the structure involves no building work in reinforced concret or cement casting, and uses non pollution materials for the benefit of the environment. Crushed quartz stone with correctly hardend resins is the last slope of the pool.
The water is directly added with Magnesium and Potassium. These minerals are coming from the ocean and are also natural. This form of Magnesium is higly beneficial properties for the internal body health, contributing to balance mind, skin and body. Magnesium is known for its particular gentless of both sensitive skin and for all skin problems.
Magnesium is able to act on the skin like a magnet, helping to detoxify both the skin and the body from impurities, and reduce the size of pores, leaving the skin bright, soft and smooth. Magnesium produce also natural chlorine that desinfectes the skin and through oxiditation, eliminates bacteria, fungi,and algae that may be found in the water, ensuring perfect sterilization of the water without the addition of highly pollution chemical products like chlor.
So you can swim in this water so long you want and so often you want without any healthy problems.